Launching SaasFrontends v1.0 – Vue2, Vue3, React and Svelte starter templates

Alexandro Martinez
2 min readJan 17, 2022

In 2020, I released my first boilerplate for building SaaS applications, It included a Vue2 frontend with a .NET backend.

Not until 1 year later, I was able to migrate from Vue2 to Vue3, Vue3 to React and React to Svelte.

Introducing SaasFrontends v1.0.

As they say, If it were easy, everyone would do it.


  1. Creating the Boilerplate
  2. Migrating Vue2 to Vue3
  3. Migrating Vue3 to React
  4. Migrating React to Svelte
  5. Creating the Documentation
  6. Creating free UI Components
  7. Creating the Editions
  8. Publishing Demos
  9. Publishing Codebases
  10. Publishing on Gumroad
  11. Creating the Blog

1. Creating the boilerplate

Back in 2020, I had just finished a project which consisted in migrating a 4GL to a desktop .NET application. I decided it was time to move it to the web, but I had zero knowledge in JavaScript and CSS.

I figured it would be nice to migrate my Desktop App to the Web with the mindset of making it a boilerplate for other devs like me. That led me into testing JavaScript frameworks and when I tried out Vue (v2), I immediately loved it.

I was thinking of using Bootstrap, since it has most common UI components, but I read about Tailwind CSS, and it honestly changed the whole picture for me, I never liked raw CSS. I bought Tailwind UI Marketing + Application package (you should get it), and started to learn with it.

They don’t have Vue2 components so it was a bit of a challenge when I tried to use functional components.

It took me 3 months of development + 3 months of marketing, and the end product was, my first web product.

You can read more about this here.

Click here to view the full blog post.



Alexandro Martinez

Building SaasRock, The One-Man SaaS Framework built with Remix + Tailwind CSS